Saturday, July 23, 2016

Valdaránstilraun merki um klofning

Birtist á fésbókarsíðu SH 17. júlí 2016
Recep Erdogan

Robert Fisk skrifar að Tyrkland sé á barmi upplausnar (þó Erdogan herði sín einræðistök) og hann leitar skýringa í því hlutverki sem Tyrkland hefur tekið sér, að vera svæðisbundið verkfæri USA og Vestursins í hnattræna taflinu þar sem valdi er beitt: "Recep Tayyip Erdogan had it coming. The Turkish army was never going to remain compliant while the man who would recreate the Ottoman Empire turned his neighbours into enemies and his country into a mockery of itself." Og Fisk líkir þessu við eldra dæmi um sama hlutverk, hjá Pakistan: "When Turkey began playing the same role (as Pakistan) for the US in Syria – sending weapons to the insurgents, its corrupt intelligence service cooperating with the Islamists, fighting the state power in Syria – it, too, took the path of a failed state, its cities torn apart by massive bombs, its countryside infiltrated by the Islamists. The only difference is that Turkey also relaunched a war on its Kurds in the south-east of the country where parts of Diyabakir are now as devastated as large areas of Homs or Aleppo.

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